Virtual Viewing

Inside Passage Audio Guide
Wildlife Viewing Tips


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Viewing Ethics

Give wildlife plenty of space and try to view animals without changing their behavior.

Binoculars, spotting scopes and telephoto lenses allow you to view wildlife without getting too close.

Learn to recognize signs of alarm or stress. These are sometimes subtle and vary by species. Back away if an animal shows any signs of stress (for details, visit

Let animals eat their natural foods. Avoid displacing them from their wild feeding areas. Never feed wild mammals. Feeding any wildlife may result in harm and be illegal.

Leave "orphaned" or sick animals alone. Young animals that appear alone usually have parents nearby.

Restrain pets or leave them at home. They may startle, chase, or even kill wildlife.


Marine Mammal Code of Conduct

1. Remain at least 100 yards from marine mammals.

2. Time spent observing individual(s) should be limited to 30 minutes.

3. Whales should not be encircled or trapped between boats, or boats and shore.

4. If approached by a whale, put the engine in neutral and allow the whale to pass.

For more information on marine mammal viewing visit

Federal law prohibits pursuit of marine mammals.

The Marine Mammal Protection Act prohibits harassment of all marine mammals, and defines harassment to include any disturbance or disruption of behavior including breeding, migrating, and feeding. Anything a person does that causes a marine mammal to enter the water, flee, change its position on the beach or even alter its breathing rhythm can be considered disturbance.

Seabird colonies are vulnerable to disturbance. Stay far enough away from nesting areas to avoid flushing the birds. If birds take flight in groups or waves rather than individually, they are disturbed and you are too close. Frightened birds leaving the nest can inadvertently knock their own eggs off the ledge. Even a very brief absence of the parents exposes the eggs or chicks to excessive heat or cold, and predation by gulls and ravens.

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